How to hang the flag? Installation method of hanging flags in shopping malls, supermarkets and 4S stores
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How to hang the flag? Installation method of hanging flags in shopping malls, supermarkets and 4S stores

Release time:2022-07-09 15:18 view:104 次

Hang a flag_ Installation method

Many users who need to customize the hanging flag often consult our factory about "how to hang the hanging flag", "how to install the hanging flag", "what to hang the hanging flag with", and so on. Today, I will summarize and share with you the methods of installing and hanging the hanging flag in our factory for many years; (Note: professional construction personnel must be invited for hanging flags that require high-altitude operation and anvil hole installation).

The use environment determines the installation and hanging method of the flag:

The use environment of hanging flags is different, and the ways of hanging and installing hanging flags will also be different. The types of hanging flags are roughly as follows: hanging flags in shopping malls, supermarkets, 4S stores, exhibition halls, and sales offices. Users need to first select the types of hanging flags that are more suitable for their own occasions according to their own environment; In addition, the hanging flag provided by our factory is a finished product. The flag surface, hanging flag pole and plastic hook have been equipped and assembled. You only need to hang and install it after receiving the goods.

The following formally introduces the method of hanging and installing the flag:

1. Installation method of hanging flags in supermarkets / stores:

The installation method of this kind of hanging flag is relatively simple. Generally, there will be shelves on the ceiling of supermarkets and some stores. Just fix the hanging line of hanging flag (the hanging line of hanging flag in supermarkets / stores can be used with No. 4-6 fishing line) to the adder, and then tie the plastic hook of hanging flag to the other end of the line; Another case is that the ceiling of the supermarket / store is suspended. In this case, it is necessary to use screws to fix the hanging line. There is no need to bear the hanging flag, which will fall off. Because the size of the hanging flag of the supermarket / store is generally not too large, so it is very light.

2. How to hang flags in exhibition venues, shopping malls, 4S stores and sales offices?

The installation methods of these kinds of flags are put together, mainly because these kinds of occasions have great similarity, the space of these occasions is relatively large and high, and the difficulty coefficient of flag installation is also relatively large; Some users of 4S stores and large shopping malls choose to install electric flag hoisting equipment, which is to facilitate the later high-frequency replacement of flag hoisting images; The indoor roof is not very high from the ground and there is no electric hanging group installed. When hanging the flag, users can fix the hanging line directly to the steel frame structure on the top, and the other end of the hanging line can be tied to the hanging rod of the flag or the hook of the hanging rod. In places without a steel frame roof, expansion screws need to be made on the top to fix the hanging line.

Installation method of additional flag electric lifting group (diagram):

First of all, the position where the electric lifting group is installed must be solid, waterproof, and capable of punching or fixing the support; The ceiling support in the figure can be fixed to the steel frame of the roof or to the ceiling with gravity; If it is a concrete ceiling, expansion screws are required, and the steel frame structure can use thin steel ropes to fix the ceiling support to it; The motor must be installed on the wall close to the power supply.

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